Let them eat

The ordinary class does not object to plastic chairs or utilitarian rooms used for multiple utilitarian purposes: pre-school, ballet lessons, Sunday School, prayer groups, a soup kitchen, evening workshops in crafts. The ordinary class bends over catered tray-lasagne seeping into paper plates balanced on knees and an insulation of paper serviettes. The ordinary class isContinue reading “Let them eat”

Just Punishment

Little Knowing, a lonely desert bird, was small and light of wing. Along the road he saw a woman. She smelled of cinnamon. “My bed,” she said, “smells of more – of myrrh and desert aloes. It is richly covered, soft – and ours – in colourful Egyptian linen.” Little knowing saw the tent toContinue reading “Just Punishment”

At the right age

People start to ask questions they really have no right to pose   At a point, they expect you to be studying. Let it be known: a non-graduate works shifts and packs plastic bags.   Since 2008, so do graduates with four degrees. But people will still ask, What do you do? They mean areContinue reading “At the right age”