And a

One two three four One two three. And a oneity two three four one two three _ [fine] Oneity oneity oneity oneity oneity two three four-a yeah ah peep for Parp twoity three _ Oneity two me four this song’s three four-a want to join me? Catch twoity three _ [Da capo] — The beginning/end-of-theContinue reading “And a”

The Old Cock and the Younger Hens

You’re all my favourite readers, but… I have a particularly ideal reader. She is well read and articulate and to her wise critique I have entrusted a few unpolished drafts. Her first response to this poem was a giggling, “Hehehe, you put ‘cock’ in the title.” Well, dear other favourite readers, the two of usContinue reading “The Old Cock and the Younger Hens”